February, 2023
Event Details
Friday, February 17, 2023: 8:00 PM Boston’s James Dorsey is an insurance salesman by day and comedian by night! After receiving his first D-minus for conduct in the second grade, Dorsey
Event Details
Friday, February 17, 2023: 8:00 PM
Boston’s James Dorsey is an insurance salesman by day and comedian by night! After receiving his first D-minus for conduct in the second grade, Dorsey said he realized school was not his cup of tea and took his “disruptive in class” trademark to the stand-up stage and never looked back. He shares life experiences through high energy, witty acting-out, and playful facial expressions. His use of imitations and characters is incredibly vivid and entertaining. Dorsey was the national winner of the Catch a New Rising Star competition, as well as the Plymouth Rock Comedy Festival and has performed at the prestigious Boston Comedy Festival. His performance on stage has been described as “Flawless, smooth and original. A born professional.” He has shared the stage with Joe Rogan, Bryan Callen, Jerry Seinfeld, Patrice O’Neal, Jim Gaffigan, Michael Ian Black, Gilbert Gottfried, and Steven Wright. Dorsey can be seen in every major comedy club in New England and will remain in your head and heart long after he has made his exit from the stage.